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Green Lantern - Vol. 5 (2011-2016)
Band 36: Godhead: Act 2 - Part 1

Serie: Green Lantern - Vol. 5 (2011-2016)
Zusatzinfo: The New 52!
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: 1
Autor: Robert Venditti / Francis Portela
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 32
Preis: 3,00 €
In den Warenkorb

“GODHEAD,” act 2, part 1: With the various Lantern Corps routed by the New Gods, Hal Jordan leads the survivors to a haven that may not be any safer: the Antimatter Universe! But as differences are set aside and strategies drawn, the greatest of the Lanterns makes a decision that will forever alter his life and the future of the Corps – and it involves enlisting the help of the deadliest of threats. Here’s a hint: Black Hand!

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Green Lantern - Vol. 5 (2011-2016)
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Green Lantern - Vol. 5 (2011-2016)
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Green Lantern - Vol. 5 (2011-2016)
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Green Lantern - Vol. 5 (2011-2016)
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Green Lantern - Vol. 5 (2011-2016)
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Green Lantern - Vol. 5 (2011-2016)
Band 1
5,00 €
Green Lantern - Vol. 5 (2011-2016)
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