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Unnatural Order (2023-2024)
Band 1: (von 4)

Serie: Unnatural Order (2023-2024)
Zusatzinfo: Cover A by Val Rodrigues
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: 2+
Autor: Chris Yost / Val Rodrigues
Verlag: Vault Comics
Seiten: 32
Preis: 3,50 €
In den Warenkorb

Chris Yost, co-creator of X-23, writer of hundreds of X-men issues and films and shows like Thor: Ragnarok and The Mandalorian, returns to comic books with Val Rodrigues to weave together Dark Fantasy and action-packed SciFi in UNNATURAL ORDER! After the fall of the Britons and the Roman invasion of Hibernia, the captive known only as the Druid is released, sending a darkness across the world…an age of horrors, of fire and entrails. As the innocent burn in the Wicker fields, those who would resist learn of the existence of a man who even the Druid fears. For it is this prisoner, a soldier from a different time, who alone knows the Druid’s secret: this is not how the world is supposed to be.

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Unnatural Order (2023-2024)
Band 1: (von 4)
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Unnatural Order (2023-2024)
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Unnatural Order (2023-2024)
Band 3: (von 4)
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Unnatural Order (2023-2024)
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