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Question, The: All Along the Watchtower (ab 2024)
Band 2: (von 6)

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Serie: Question, The: All Along the Watchtower (ab 2024)
Zusatzinfo: D - All In Foil Variant Cover by Fico Ossio
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Alex Segura / Cian Tormey / Lucio Parrillo
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 32
Preis: 8,64 €
In den Warenkorb

As the Justice League Watchtower reels from a grisly murder, the Question must face a dark reality: that the main suspect in the brutal crime could be someone close to her! But as Renee digs into the unsavory mystery, she's derailed by an unexpected--and powerful--new foe. But are the killing and surprise attack related? If so, who's pulling the strings? The Question must navigate clues and double crosses to get to the truth...if she can survive that long.

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Rogue: The Savage Land (ab 2025)
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Question, The: All Along the Watchtower (ab 2024)
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Question, The: All Along the Watchtower (ab 2024)
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Question, The: All Along the Watchtower (ab 2024)
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Question, The: All Along the Watchtower (ab 2024)
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Question, The: All Along the Watchtower (ab 2024)
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Question, The: All Along the Watchtower (ab 2024)
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