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Grimm Fairy Tales presents: Grimm Tales of Terror - Vol. 5: Variant Cover C (ab 2025)
Band 2

Serie: Grimm Fairy Tales presents: Grimm Tales of Terror - Vol. 5: Variant Cover C (ab 2025)
Zusatzinfo: Cover C by Pierluigi Abbondanza
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Joe Brusha / Pierluigi Abbondanza
Verlag: Zenescope Entertainment Inc
Seiten: 32
Preis: 5,39 €
In den Warenkorb

The Candy Lady In the early 1900s, the quiet town of Terrell, Texas was haunted by a string of horrifying disappearances. Children would vanish without a trace, leaving behind only their rotten, decaying teeth-tiny teeth that could have only belonged to them. The townspeople, desperate and terrified, turned their suspicions toward Carla Crane, a woman known for luring children with sweets. Accused of witchcraft and murder, she was condemned and burned at the stake, her screams echoing through the town. The legend of "The Candy Lady" was born. Now, over a century later, the curse of the Candy Lady has resurfaced. Children in Terrell are disappearing once more, and the chilling whispers of the past return with them. As fear grips the town, a dark truth emerges: The Candy Lady never died. Her spirit has been waiting, thirsting for vengeance. She's back, more vengeful than ever, and this time, no one will escape the Candy Lady's sweet, deadly wrath.

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