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Green Lantern - Vol. 7 (ab 2023)
Band 20

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Serie: Green Lantern - Vol. 7 (ab 2023)
Zusatzinfo: A - Cover by Ariel Colon
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Jeremy Adams / Ariel Colon
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 32
Preis: 5,39 €
In den Warenkorb

WILL HAL STOP THE SORROW IN TIME?! In an attempt to stop Sorrow from creating a Central Power Battery, Hal runs across an alien infected with red energy that threatens his life, all while Kyle and his team must retrieve a piece of source energy from one of the most dangerous and mysterious places in the universe--The Source Wall! The Fractured Spectrum saga rages on in this next exciting installment, spinning out of the events of Green Lantern Corps #1!

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Green Lantern - Vol. 7 (ab 2023)
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Green Lantern - Vol. 7 (ab 2023)
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29,00 €
Green Lantern - Vol. 7 (ab 2023)
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5,00 €
Green Lantern - Vol. 7 (ab 2023)
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Green Lantern - Vol. 7 (ab 2023)
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Green Lantern - Vol. 7 (ab 2023)
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Green Lantern - Vol. 7 (ab 2023)
Band 4
5,00 €
Green Lantern - Vol. 7 (ab 2023)
Band 4
14,00 €
Zeige alles der Serie 'Green Lantern - Vol. 7 (ab 2023)'
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