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Guardians of the Galaxy - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Band 2: Quest For The Shield

Serie: Guardians of the Galaxy - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Jim Shooter / George Perez / Jim Valentino
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 496
Lieferinfo: Dieser Artikel befindet sich momentan im Zulauf - falls er nicht rechtzeitig zur Lieferung eintreffen sollte, wird er portofrei nachgeliefert!
Preis: 48,64 €
In den Warenkorb

Artistic superstar Jim Valentino revitalizes the original Guardians of the Galaxy!As the Guardians of the Galaxy pursue a cosmic threat named Korvac from the 31st century back to the present day, it will take an awesome assemblage of Avengers to help them save all of reality! Trapped in their past, the Guardians share adventures with Spider-Man, the Thing and Ms. Marvel. But can they make their way back home? And if they do, are they ready for…Taserface?! As Major Victory leads the Guardians on a quest to find Captain America’s long-lost shield, their mission pits them against Iron Man's twisted legacy, the marauding alien cyborgs called the Stark and the intergalactic thieves known as Force!COLLECTING: Avengers (1963) 167-168, 170-177, 181; Ms. Marvel (1977) 23; Marvel Team-Up (1972) 86; Marvel Two-in-One (1974) 61-63, 69; Guardians of the Galaxy (1990) 1-6

Weitere Comics der Serie:

Guardians of the Galaxy - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Band 1: Earth shall overcome
43,23 €
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per Lastschrift oder Vorkasse
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