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Fantastic Four - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Band 11: Four No More

Serie: Fantastic Four - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Marv Wolfman / Keith Pollard / John Byrne
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 520
Preis: 54,04 €
In den Warenkorb

Fantastic Four celebrates its 200th issue of the innovation and excitement that led to the birth of the Marvel Universe!The Fantastic Four have split up! You might worry that we’ll have to come up with a new title for this book, but no, the evil machinations of Doctor Doom will reunite the Marvel’s First Family for an FF #200 extravaganza! Who is Doom’s son? How does he have the FF’s powers? It’s a fight to the finish in Latveria. The FF also confront the Skrulls, but they’ll have to do it as their older selves after an aging weapon advances them to death’s door. The talents of Marv Wolfman, Keith Pollard, Sal Buscema and John Byrne keep the story feisty, the art spry and the adventure fantastic. How could it not be when the world devourer Galactus enters the fray with a new herald?COLLECTING: THE FANTASTIC FOUR (1961) #192-214 & ANNUAL (1963) #12-13

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