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Power Fantasy, The (Paperback)
Band 1

Serie: Power Fantasy, The (Paperback)
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Kieron Gillen / Caspar Wijngaard
Verlag: Image Comics
Seiten: 136
Preis: 10,80 €
In den Warenkorb

“Superpowered.” You have certain preconceptions. They’re incorrect. Here, that word has a specific technical definition. Namely, “any individual with the destructive capacity of the nuclear arsenal of the U.S.A.” There are six such people on Earth. The planet’s survival relies on them never coming into conflict. Come dance to the ticking of the doomsday clock with KIERON GILLEN (THE WICKED + THE DIVINE, DIE) and CASPAR WIJNGAARD (HOME SICK PILOTS, ALL AGAINST ALL) in the first collection of this new, critically adored, sell-out epic. Collects THE POWER FANTASY #1-5 Select praise for THE POWER FANTASY: “A book constructed with artfulness and nuance and a care that borders on being obsessive. This is a good one, folks, and it has my highest recommendation.” —JONATHAN HICKMAN (_X-Men, _THE BLACK MONDAY MURDERS) "An absolute must-read comic by two of the absolute best in the business." —JAMES TYNION IV (THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH,_ Something Is Killing The Children_) “It's intense, yet understated, and gripping. Ripe with the potential for drama, intrigue, nuance, depth, and meaning, THE POWER FANTASY is primed to explode superhero comics.” —**ComicBook.com** "If you like your comics full of big ideas, laced with dark humor and the unnerving sense that the end of the world is just one family squabble away, this one's for you." —**GamesRadar** “KIERON GILLEN’s script is complex, intelligent, and deeply compelling, offering the smartest take on superpowered beings in years. The visuals from CASPAR WIJNGAARD are stunningly detailed, finely directed, and wildly colorful, all combining to make possibly the best debut comic of the year so far.” —**Monkeys Fighting Robots** "Thought-provoking and dynamic in equal measures, with outstanding art. 10/10" —**Comicon.com** "A rich and rewarding story about existential questions when super powered gods walk amongst us... In a world where nuclear war is still possible and war rages overseas, THE POWER FANTASY feels well-timed and apt." —**AIPT** “A perfect debut issue.” —**Graphic Policy**
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