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DC Power: Rise of the Power Company (2025)
Band 1

Serie: DC Power: Rise of the Power Company (2025)
Zusatzinfo: A - Cover by Khary Randolph / One-Shot 2025
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Various / Khary Randolph
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 48
Preis: 6,48 €
In den Warenkorb

DC POWER RETURNS FOR 2025! Written by Brandon Thomas, Vita Ayala, John Jennings and Zipporah Smith Art by Ray-Anthony Height, Caanan White, Kelsey Ramsay and Charles Stewart III The Justice League's watchtower looming in the skies is intended to inspire hope and faith in superheroes, but not everyone believes metahumans act in humanity's best interests. The fringe beliefs that "Waller was Right" have grown louder as paramilitary groups take to the streets to take Earth back for the human race. Enter Josiah Power, a meta-attorney who's seen enough of rising hate and sets out to assemble a team not only to protect black and brown communities from these new threats but also to rebuild human faith in heroes. DC Power returns for a third year in a new format, continuing the storylines from Absolute Power and All In and setting the stage for the return of the Power Company!

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