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Blade - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Band 2: Nightstalkers

Serie: Blade - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Marv Wolfman / Gene Colan / Andy Kubert
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 432
Preis: 48,64 €
In den Warenkorb

Blade the vampire hunter is one of Marvel's biggest cult favorite characters, and this volume containts some of his most exciting adventures from the 1990s!Rise of the Midnight Sons! Dracula returns to the realm of the unliving — but Blade, along with fellow vampire-hunter Frank Drake, are determined to make sure his revival is short-lived! Then, as a new era of horror dawns in the Marvel Universe, Blade joins Ghost Rider and Johnny Blaze in a looming war with the ancient demon, Lilith! But the Daywalker won’t fight alone — he has a new crew! Blade, Drake and former vampire Hannibal King form the Nightstalkers — and the hours of darkness are no longer safe for the forces of evil! And that includes Baron Strucker’s Hydra and cult leader Shiv! But will the Punisher stand with or against the Nightstalkers?COLLECTING: Tomb of Dracula (1991) 1-4, Nightstalkers (1992) 1-6, Ghost Rider (1990) 31, material from Midnight Sons Unlimited (1993) 1

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