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Justice League Unlimited - Vol. 2 (ab 2024)
Band 1

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Serie: Justice League Unlimited - Vol. 2 (ab 2024)
Zusatzinfo: J - 1:50 Edwin Galmon Wraparound Retailer Incentive Variant Cover
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: 1
Autor: Mark Waid / Dan Mora / Edwin Galmon
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 32
Preis: 29,00 €
In den Warenkorb

THE WATCHTOWER RISES! The Justice League is back and bigger than ever! In the wake of Absolute Power and the DC All In Special, Darkseid's death has triggered a massive power vacuum in the DCU, and Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman must unite like never before and expand the Justice League to encompass every hero championing the forces of good in the face of incredible evil! As our heroes work to uncover the mystery of the dark lord's successor, Ray Palmer's Atom Project triggers a race between hero and villain to control the fate of metahuman abilities on planet Earth, which threatens to destroy everything the League has built. Worlds will live, worlds will die, and a surprise is waiting in store on the last page...Do not miss the dawn of the new era of justice--it all begins here!

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Justice League Unlimited - Vol. 2 (ab 2024)
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Justice League Unlimited - Vol. 2 (ab 2024)
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Justice League Unlimited - Vol. 2 (ab 2024)
Band 1
5,39 €
Justice League Unlimited - Vol. 2 (ab 2024)
Band 1
5,39 €
Justice League Unlimited - Vol. 2 (ab 2024)
Band 1
5,39 €
Justice League Unlimited - Vol. 2 (ab 2024)
Band 1
59,00 €
Justice League Unlimited - Vol. 2 (ab 2024)
Band 2
4,31 €
Justice League Unlimited - Vol. 2 (ab 2024)
Band 2
5,39 €
Justice League Unlimited - Vol. 2 (ab 2024)
Band 2
5,39 €
Justice League Unlimited - Vol. 2 (ab 2024)
Band 2
5,39 €
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