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Cursed Pirate Girl: Malodious Mutiny (Hardcover)
Band 1

Serie: Cursed Pirate Girl: Malodious Mutiny (Hardcover)
Fomat: Buch / Hardcover
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Jeremy A. Bastian
Verlag: Boom! Studios
Seiten: 128

More than a decade in the making, the hotly anticipated, beloved swashbuckling saga featuring the unique and unparalleled art and storytelling of Jeremy Bastian returns in a perennial collection of classic material, along with brand new art. The fiery Cursed Pirate Girl's journey continues as she searches for her father, one of the captains of the dreaded Omerta Seas. Cursed Pirate Girl's loyal companion Pepper Dice reveals that there's still time to bring back her father, the Dread Pirate Captain Douglas! If she can escape the Sea King's Palace with The Bright Star, will she be bold enough to enter The Devil's Cave in the hope of bringing her father back? Or will the Devil Jonah and his minions stop her? The classic fantasy by Jeremy A. Bastian combines a keen sense of story and the unique art style reminiscent of 15th century engravings, making this a book not to miss.

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