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Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)
Band 1067

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Serie: Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)
Zusatzinfo: A - Cover by Eddy Barrows & Danny Miki
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Rainbow Rowell Gail Simone / Cian Tormey Eddy Barrows / Danny Miki Eddy Barrows
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 40
Preis: 5,39 €
In den Warenkorb

SUPERMAN AND THE CHALLENGE FROM THE STARS! SUPERMAN FIGHTS FOR TWO WORLDS! When a massively powerful alien race makes EARTH their ARENA, Superman must stand ALONE against impossible challenges that threaten locations all around the world AND the lives of those he loves! A not-to-be-missed EPIC tale of Superman's STRENGTH, WIT, and RESOURCEFULNESS in an early stage of his public career! Plus, New York Times bestselling author RAINBOW ROWELL makes her DC debut and takes on the most powerful woman in Superman’s life...LOIS LANE!

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Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)
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Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)
Band 689: Reign of the Superman
3,00 €
Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)
Band 690: Reign of the Superman
3,00 €
Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)
Band 691: Reign of the Superman
3,00 €
Zeige alles der Serie 'Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)'
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