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Star Wars: Darth Vader - Vol. 3 (2020-2024)
Band 46: (von 50)

Serie: Star Wars: Darth Vader - Vol. 3 (2020-2024)
Zusatzinfo: B - The Phantom Menace 25th Anniversary Variant Cover by Chris Sprouse
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Greg Pak / Raffaele Ienco / Chris Sprouse
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 32
Preis: 5,39 €
In den Warenkorb

THE RAZING OF EXEGOL, PART ONE! DARTH VADER and the SCHISM IMPERIAL launch their boldest challenge to the power of PALPATINE with an assault on EXEGOL, the home of the EMPEROR'S greatest secrets and treasures! But if sheer brute force can't overcome the defenses of the SITH CITADEL, what terrifying new resources will the DARK LORD draw upon? Also: CAPTAIN ENRIC PRYDE faces his greatest test!

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Star Wars: Darth Vader - Vol. 3 (2020-2024)
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Star Wars: Darth Vader - Vol. 3 (2020-2024)
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Star Wars: Darth Vader - Vol. 3 (2020-2024)
Band 21: (von 50)
4,31 €
Star Wars: Darth Vader - Vol. 3 (2020-2024)
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4,31 €
Star Wars: Darth Vader - Vol. 3 (2020-2024)
Band 22: (von 50)
4,31 €
Star Wars: Darth Vader - Vol. 3 (2020-2024)
Band 23: (von 50)
4,31 €
Star Wars: Darth Vader - Vol. 3 (2020-2024)
Band 23: (von 50)
4,31 €
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