Besucher | 308154516 |
Comics | 202874 |
Update | 11.03.2025 |
Free Comic Book Day und andere Gratis Comic Band 22: Gatchaman |

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Serie: | | Free Comic Book Day und andere Gratis Comic |
Zusatzinfo: | | Free Comic Book Day 2024 / Achtung ---> Auslieferung nur im Rahmen einer regulären Bestellung ---> Pro 10,- Euro je 1 Heft dazu, aber jedes Heft nur einmal. Lieferung nur solange der Vorrat reicht! |
Fomat: | | Heft |
Zustand: | | 1 |
Sprache: | |  |
Autor: | | Cullen Bunn / Tommy Lee Edwards / Steve Orlando u.a. |
Verlag: | | Mad Cave Studios |
Seiten: | | 32 |
Lieferinfo: | | Nur solange der Vorrat reicht |
Preis: | | 0,00 € |
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In den Warenkorb |
The triumphant return of GATCHAMAN, the iconic Japanese animated franchise of a five-member, bird-themed superhero team, known to Western audiences as BATTLE OF THE PLANETS!
This special #0 issue features an explosive, brand-new story that will kick off Mad Cave's ongoing monthly GATCHAMAN comic book series, debuting with issue #1 in June!
The FCBD special will include a timeline for Mad Cave's GATCHAMAN series and interconnected spinoff projects coming in 2024 and beyond!
Perfect for teens and adults alike, GATCHAMAN is not only action-packed, but addresses important social issues including conservation, environmentalism, and the responsible use of technology for progress.
GATCHAMAN will be one of Mad Cave's biggest titles in 2024, and we'll be supporting it with a massive marketing and promotional campaign - and our FCBD launch with issue #0 will be front-and-center in those efforts!
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Zeige alles der Serie 'Free Comic Book Day und andere Gratis Comic' |
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