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Justice League - Vol. 4 by Brian Michael Bendis (Paperback)
Band 3: Leagues of Chaos

Serie: Justice League - Vol. 4 by Brian Michael Bendis (Paperback)
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Brian Michael Bendis / Various / Nathan Fairbairn Yanick Paquette
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 144
Lieferinfo: Erscheint - April 2024
Preis: 18,37 €
In den Warenkorb

Dieser Artikel ist derzeit nur vorbestellbar!
Art by Szymon Kudranski, Emanuela Lupacchino, Sanford Greene and More Brian Michael Bendis's radical take on the Justice League reaches its conclusion as the Justice League and Justice League Dark team up to save the world from descending into chaos. Xanadoth, the original Lord of Chaos, has returned to the mortal world. With revenge against the world of order her only motivation, Xanadoth takes the form of Black Adam and possesses the League's resident Lord of Order, Doctor Fate! The Leagues must become more than the sum of their parts if there is any hope of survival! Plus, the One-Man Army Corps known as O.M.A.C. rockets into the modern DC Universe in an eye-popping adventure that teams him up with the reunited Justice League! Collects Justice League #72-74 and the Justice League 2022 Annual.

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Justice League - Vol. 4 by Brian Michael Bendis (Paperback)
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Justice League - Vol. 4 by Brian Michael Bendis (Paperback)
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