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Free Comic Book Day und andere Gratis Comic
Band 43: Unico: Awakening

Serie: Free Comic Book Day und andere Gratis Comic
Zusatzinfo: Free Comic Book Day 2024 / Achtung ---> Auslieferung nur im Rahmen einer regulären Bestellung ---> Pro 10,- Euro je 1 Heft dazu, aber jedes Heft nur einmal. Lieferung nur solange der Vorrat reicht!
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: 1
Autor: Samuel Sattin / Gurihiru, / Dan Santat
Verlag: Graphix
Seiten: 32
Lieferinfo: Nur solange der Vorrat reicht
Preis: 0,00 €
In den Warenkorb

A dynamic reimagining of Osamu Tezuka's classic UNICO manga for a new generation of readers. UNICO tells the incredible story of a young unicorn who, after enraging the evil goddess Venus, is banished from the heavens and forgets all he once was. Saved from oblivion by the kindhearted West Wind, Unico continues to help others, before having to escape Venus again and begin a new adventure. In this first manga, Unico awakes in a mysterious land and is befriended by a resourceful watch cat, Chloe, who feels protective of the young unicorn. When they find themselves near a small village in the forest, they take refuge with a kindly, but helpless, old woman. To take care of her, Chloe begs Unico to turn her into a human girl, but that act of kindness has unforeseen consequences: Unico's love has awakened Venus and her minion, Byron, who want to destroy them both! Conceived anew by author Samuel Sattin and artist team Gurihiru, and developed in collaboration with Tezuka Productions, UNICO: Awakening is a groundbreaking reboot of a beloved story by Astro Boy creator Osamu Tezuka, the "God of Manga." With striking full-color artwork and reading left to right in the Western comics style to match the original manga, UNICO is a brilliant manga series featuring storytelling at its best. Join Unico on an unforgettable journey!

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Zeige alles der Serie 'Free Comic Book Day und andere Gratis Comic'
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