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Free Comic Book Day und andere Gratis Comic
Band 21: Gannibal

Serie: Free Comic Book Day und andere Gratis Comic
Zusatzinfo: Free Comic Book Day 2024 / Achtung ---> Auslieferung nur im Rahmen einer regulären Bestellung ---> Pro 10,- Euro je 1 Heft dazu, aber jedes Heft nur einmal. Lieferung nur solange der Vorrat reicht!
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: 1
Autor: Masaaki Ninomiya
Verlag: Ablaze Publishing
Seiten: 32
Lieferinfo: Nur solange der Vorrat reicht
Preis: 0,00 €
In den Warenkorb

Dip your toes into the hottest new title in horror manga, but watch out for teeth! Already lauded in Japan and spawning a live-action adaptation on Hulu, ABLAZE is publishing this horrifying feast in English for the first time! After the mysterious disappearance of a countryside cop, the role is reassigned to Officer Daigo Agawa. He finds the remote village quaint, and he looks forward to an easygoing post among the warm and welcoming citizenry. Then... He gets a call. The body of a local grandmother has been found. A human bite mark has been left on the corpse, and any voiced suspicion of Agawa's is met with a strange, sudden, and intense hostility. Something dark is lurking under the idyllic façade of the charming mountain village. But can Officer Agawa spare himself and his family from it?

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Free Comic Book Day und andere Gratis Comic
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Free Comic Book Day und andere Gratis Comic
Band 47: Mad Magazine - Special Edition
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Zeige alles der Serie 'Free Comic Book Day und andere Gratis Comic'
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