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Goon, The: Them That Don´t Stay Dead (ab 2025)
Band 1: (von 4)

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Serie: Goon, The: Them That Don´t Stay Dead (ab 2025)
Zusatzinfo: Cover B by Craig Davison
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Eric Powell / Craig Davison
Verlag: Dark Horse Comics
Seiten: 32
Preis: 5,39 €
In den Warenkorb

To mark the 25th anniversary of The Goon, Eric Powell returns with an all-new miniseries, Them That Don’t Stay Dead! The return to Lonely Street hasn’t been easy for the Goon and Franky. And just as they’ve finally got the various gangs of blood suckers and night stalkers back in line, and they can finally relax with a nice night out bowling, a new threat appears. One that will shake the very foundations of Nameless Town. Also, Spider gets hooked on the junk. Drama!   With an alternate special edition cover by Craig Davison. Davison’s work is well known for its depiction of childhood pop culture fantasy. From Star Wars to Marvel superheroes, Davison’s art reminds us what it was like to be a kid using creative ways to transform into our favorite heroes and villains. • The Goon returns in an all-new series!

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Goon, The: Them That Don´t Stay Dead (ab 2025)
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Goon, The: Them That Don´t Stay Dead (ab 2025)
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