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Nemesis: The Warlock - Definitive Edition (Paperback)
Band 1

Serie: Nemesis: The Warlock - Definitive Edition (Paperback)
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Pat Mills / Kevin O'Neill
Verlag: Rebellion - 2000Ad
Seiten: 176
Preis: 28,05 €
In den Warenkorb

Long regarded as one of the crown-jewel epics from the pages of 2000 AD, at long last Nemesis the Warlock is back in print and better than ever. Written by Pat Mills (Marshal Law) and drawn by Kevin O'Neill (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen), this definitive series is a comprehensive collection of the complete storyline in order, and features development sketches showing the evolution of Nemesis and the Blitzspear. Termight is the ruling planet of a cruel galactic empire, an empire led by the diabolically evil Torquemada, a twisted human despot intent on purging all alien life from the galaxy and punishing the deviants. His motto: Be pure! Be vigilant! Behave! But there is rebellion and resistance to his rule in the form of a devilish-looking alien warlock called Nemesis, who represents everything that Torquemada hates and fears. Together Nemesis and Torquemada are locked in a duel which will affect the fate of humanity and each of them on a personal level as their conflict spans time and space!

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