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Godzilla: The War for Humanity (2023-2024)
Band 5: (von 5)

Serie: Godzilla: The War for Humanity (2023-2024)
Zusatzinfo: Cover B by Jake Smith
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Andrew MacLean / Jake Smith
Verlag: IDW
Seiten: 32
Preis: 5,39 €
In den Warenkorb

Godzilla alone?! Zoospora continues to spread its roots across the world, and with the kaiju task force nearly out of commission and Godzilla the only one left standing against an army of monsters, it looks like humanity is doomed! In a last-ditch effort, Yuko and Samantha begin to search for Zoospora’s source and any clue to defeating the seemingly unstoppable monster!

Weitere Comics der Serie:

Godzilla: The War for Humanity (2023-2024)
Band 1: (von 5)
5,39 €
Godzilla: The War for Humanity (2023-2024)
Band 1: (von 5)
9,00 €
Godzilla: The War for Humanity (2023-2024)
Band 3: (von 5)
5,39 €
Godzilla: The War for Humanity (2023-2024)
Band 3: (von 5)
9,00 €
Godzilla: The War for Humanity (2023-2024)
Band 4: (von 5)
5,39 €
Godzilla: The War for Humanity (2023-2024)
Band 4: (von 5)
5,39 €
Godzilla: The War for Humanity (2023-2024)
Band 4: (von 5)
8,00 €
Godzilla: The War for Humanity (2023-2024)
Band 5: (von 5)
5,39 €
Godzilla: The War for Humanity (2023-2024)
Band 5: (von 5)
8,00 €
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