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Flash, The - Vol. 6 (ab 2023)
Band 4

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Serie: Flash, The - Vol. 6 (ab 2023)
Zusatzinfo: A - Cover by Mike Deodato Jr. & Trish Mulvihill
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Si Spurrier / Mike Deodato Jr
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 32
Preis: 4,31 €
In den Warenkorb

As the Flash continues to explore the Gallery, he meets a living entity called the Resident that he feels drawn to. Can she aid him in his battle against the Folding Man...and even if she can, does she want to? Meanwhile, Mirror Master returns, unveiling even more upgrades since we last saw him in The Flash #800--but he's not the only one with new powers, as Irey Thunderheart West is eager to show the world. Also, the Stillness decide to act upon humanity as the new chapter for the Flash Family continues!

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Flash, The - Vol. 6 (ab 2023)
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Flash, The - Vol. 6 (ab 2023)
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Flash, The - Vol. 6 (ab 2023)
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Zeige alles der Serie 'Flash, The - Vol. 6 (ab 2023)'
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