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Ancient Enemies: The First Responder (2023)
Band 1

Serie: Ancient Enemies: The First Responder (2023)
Zusatzinfo: Cover A by Mario Guevara & Joe Prado / One-Shot 2023
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Dan DiDio / Mario Guevara
Verlag: Frank Miller Presents Llc
Preis: 4,31 €
In den Warenkorb

Trapped inside the shattered hull of an alien spacecraft and imprisoned for over twenty years, firefighter Sonny Palmer is transformed into something greater than and less than human. He is THE FIRST RESPONDER and dedicated his life to saving others while unable to save himself. In this one shot, we learn his origin and set up the world-shattering climax to the ANCIENT ENEMIES series. Written by Dan DiDio, with art and cover by our newest artist (part of the FMP Talent Search) Mario Guevara, with inks by Joe Prado and colors by HiFi. And don't miss our variant cover by another talented newcomer (and also part of FMP Talent Search), Alex Munoz.

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Weitere Comics der Serie:

Ancient Enemies: The First Responder (2023)
Band 1
4,31 €
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