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Star Wars: Darth Vader - Black, White & Red: Treasury Edition (Paperback)
Band 1

Serie: Star Wars: Darth Vader - Black, White & Red: Treasury Edition (Paperback)
Zusatzinfo: enthält Originalausgaben - US Hefte Star Wars: Darth Vader - Black, White & Red Nr. 1-4
Fomat: Album
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Jason Aaron / Leonard Kirk / Taurin Clarke
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 136
Preis: 32,42 €
In den Warenkorb

Exciting tales from a galaxy of talents featuring the Dark Lord of the Sith! Jason Aaron returns to the world of Star Wars, teaming with artist Leonard Kirk to present a new tale of terror! Peach Momoko spins a story in her signature style! Daniel Warren Johnson brings Vader to life like never before! David Pepose makes his Star Wars debut! Marc Bernardin takes Vader on a mission you won't soon forget! Frank Tieri sends the Sith lord to the planet Hoth! And Steve Orlando goes cerebral with the corruption of Darth Vader's mind! And more chilling tales of evil told in stark black and white - and the crimson glow of a lightsaber! Collecting STAR WARS: DARTH VADER - BLACK, WHITE & RED #1-4.

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