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Witcher, The (Paperback)
Band 7: Ballad Of Two Wolves

Serie: Witcher, The (Paperback)
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Bartosz Sztybor / Miki Montllo
Verlag: Dark Horse Comics
Seiten: 112
Preis: 21,61 €
In den Warenkorb

Hailed as the greatest monster slayer-the infamous witcher Geralt is beckoned to the town of Grimmwald. When a strange occurrence stirs murmurs of a werewolf on the prowl, rumors spread surrounding the arrival of three wealthy sisters-who turned the poverty-stricken town into a flourishing tourist destination, but this change wasn't welcome by all the town's residents. Change creates more than fear and anger-but can conceive new enemies... and even monsters. With a grand mystery and a beast to slay, Dandelion may just find the inspiration he needs to write the perfect ballad. Created in close collaboration with CD Projekt Red! Collects issues #1-4 of the Dark Horse Comics series The Witcher: The Ballad of Two Wolves.

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