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Thor - Vol. 6 by Donny Cates (Paperback)
Band 5: The Legacy of Thanos

Serie: Thor - Vol. 6 by Donny Cates (Paperback)
Zusatzinfo: enthält Originalausgaben - US Hefte Thor - Vol. 6 Nr. 27-30 / Thanos: Death Notes
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Donny Cates / Salvador Larroca / Nic Klein
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 128
Preis: 19,45 €
In den Warenkorb

A clash of mighty Marvel monarchs! Thor, King of Asgard vs. Eddie Brock, King in Black! Hammer vs. tongue! Lightning vs. symbiote! Golden hair vs. pointy teeth! But whatever their personal differences, they must put them aside to save the one thing they both love: Earth! Meanwhile, Thanos is missing, presumed dead. But Thor has seen a vision of his return. And it is enough to make even a god know fear! And when a universally loathed foe kidnaps Thor's baby sister, Laussa, and drags her so deep beyond Hel that not even Sif's All-Sight can see her, the God of Thunder must embark on a terrifying, universe-changing quest! Collecting THOR (2020) #27-30 and THANOS: DEATH NOTES.

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Thor - Vol. 6 by Donny Cates (Paperback)
Band 4: God of Hammers
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Thor - Vol. 6 by Donny Cates (Paperback)
Band 6: Blood of the Fathers
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Thor - Vol. 6 by Donny Cates (Paperback)
Band 5: The Legacy of Thanos
13,00 €
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