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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023)
Band 1: (von 6)

Serie: Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023)
Zusatzinfo: A - Cover by Clayton Henry
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Tom Taylor / Clayton Henry
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 32
Preis: 4,31 €
In den Warenkorb

ANOTHER SUPERMAN HAS FALLEN. Across the Multiverse, Kal-Els are being murdered. Val-Zod, the Superman of Earth-2, believes only one man can help stop the killing—Kal-El's son, Jon Kent! Jon will have to step across dimensions and face the killer of the Kal-Els, the monstrous Ultraman, the man who kidnapped and tortured him for years. And Val-Zod is not acting alone in trying to save the Supermen. Who is the mysterious woman alongside him? And what is her shocking connection to the Super-Family?

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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023)
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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023)
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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023)
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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023)
Band 1: (von 6)
5,39 €
Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023)
Band 1: (von 6)
5,39 €
Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023)
Band 1: (von 6)
5,39 €
Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023)
Band 1: (von 6)
5,39 €
Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023)
Band 1: (von 6)
5,39 €
Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023)
Band 1: (von 6)
5,39 €
Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023)
Band 1: (von 6)
14,00 €
Zeige alles der Serie 'Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023)'
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