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Punchline: The Gotham Game (2022-2023)
Band 5: (von 6)

Serie: Punchline: The Gotham Game (2022-2023)
Zusatzinfo: B - Card Stock Variant Cover by Derrick Chew
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Blake Howard Tini Howard / Gleb Melnikov / Derrick Chew
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 32
Preis: 5,39 €
In den Warenkorb

THE BATTLE FOR PORT ROYAL! As Bluebird and Nightwing desperately search for brother, Cullen, Punchline's expansion of the Royal Flush Gang takes a terrifying technological turn. The nanotech experiments she's been conducting with 1-0 will allow her to create an army of A.C.E. robots, and nothing beats a hand full of A.C.E.s...Nightwing and Bluebird are in for a world of hurt.

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Punchline: The Gotham Game (2022-2023)
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Punchline: The Gotham Game (2022-2023)
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Punchline: The Gotham Game (2022-2023)
Band 5: (von 6)
4,31 €
Punchline: The Gotham Game (2022-2023)
Band 5: (von 6)
5,39 €
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