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Batman vs. Robin (2022-2023)
Band 4: (von 5)

Serie: Batman vs. Robin (2022-2023)
Zusatzinfo: A - Cover by Mahmud Asrar
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: DC Comics / Mark Waid
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 48
Preis: 6,48 €
In den Warenkorb

As the final battle erupts between Batman and Robin at the heart of Lazarus Island, a strange tremor rocks the combatants to their senses... This isn't an island at all--it's a volcano! With the Devil Nezha pulling the strings and unbelievable transformative power about to explode out into the world, our heroes have no choice but to do the unthinkable--fall back! A battle between father and son goes global as the Earth enters into the Lazarus Planet...

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Batman vs. Robin (2022-2023)
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Batman vs. Robin (2022-2023)
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Batman vs. Robin (2022-2023)
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Batman vs. Robin (2022-2023)
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Batman vs. Robin (2022-2023)
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Zeige alles der Serie 'Batman vs. Robin (2022-2023)'
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