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Comics | 204422 |
Update | 25.03.2025 |
Fantastic Four by Jonathan Hickman: The Complete Collection (Paperback) Band 2 |
Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman revamps and redefines Marvel’s First
Family! A sweeping and epic saga across time, space and reality begins
when Mister Fantastic takes the future of discovery into his own hands!
As the Fantastic Four fights the War of the Four Cities and Invisible
Woman mediates between Namor and the long-lost tribe of Old Atlantis,
Mister Fantastic assembles a band of genius youngsters to help him solve
everything. But when Nathaniel Richards returns, Galactus prepares to
feast and a new Annihilation Wave threatens to invade from the Negative
Zone, tragedy suddenly strikes. One of the Fantastic Four will fall!
Grieving, the surviving members dissolve the team — but from its ashes
rises the Future Foundation! Guest-starring Spider-Man, Doctor Doom,
Sub-Mariner and the Inhumans!
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