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Aspen Visions - Soulfire: Heart of Eternity (2019)
Band 1

Serie: Aspen Visions - Soulfire: Heart of Eternity (2019)
Zusatzinfo: Cover A / One-Shot 2019
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Blake Northcott / Giuseppe Cafaro
Verlag: Aspen
Seiten: 32
Preis: 4,31 €
In den Warenkorb

In the tradition of DC’s Elseworlds and Marvel’s “What If?” classic stories comes Aspen’s most mind-bending concept ever—ASPEN VISIONS!
The third chapter and CONCLUSION to the special three part mini-series spanning across Aspen’s most popular titles—Fathom, Soulfire and Executive Assistant Iris!
The setting switches to The Soulfire Universe, as the eco-war monger, Nestor, continues to put all of humanity in his crosshairs in his quest to save the dragons! Aspen Matthews and Executive Assistant Iris attempt to thwart his plan far in the future, but several magical challenges stand in their way!
The all-new ASPEN VISIONS line of books will shatter everything you know about Aspen’s most popular characters!

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Aspen Visions - Soulfire: Heart of Eternity (2019)
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