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Transformers - Vol. 4 (2019-2022)
Band 1

Serie: Transformers - Vol. 4 (2019-2022)
Zusatzinfo: Cover B by Angel Hernandez
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Brian Ruckley / Angel Hernandez / Ron Joseph
Verlag: IDW
Seiten: 32
Preis: 4,31 €
In den Warenkorb

A NEW ERA DAWNS! In the infinite universe, there exists a planet like no other: Cybertron! Home to the Transformers, and a thriving hub for inter-stellar commerce, it is a world brimming with organic and constructed diversity. Immense structures line its landscape. Mechanical giants roam across its surface. Starship-sized titans orbit its skies, keeping a constant protective watch above and below.
Ancient Transformers merge into its very fabric. Small, mysterious creatures skulk in its shadows. It is a truly amazing realm, long untouched by war, and exuberantly reaching for the stars. This is the Cybertron that Optimus Prime and Megatron vie for in this bold new origin—a world of seemingly endless peace! All that changes when Bumblebee and Windblade take a newly-forged Cybertronian on his first voyage through this world of wonders—they are confronted by the hard reality of the first murder to have occurred on Cybertron in living memory!

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Transformers - Vol. 4 (2019-2022)
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Transformers - Vol. 4 (2019-2022)
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Transformers - Vol. 4 (2019-2022)
Band 16
4,31 €
Transformers - Vol. 4 (2019-2022)
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4,31 €
Transformers - Vol. 4 (2019-2022)
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7,00 €
Transformers - Vol. 4 (2019-2022)
Band 3
4,31 €
Transformers - Vol. 4 (2019-2022)
Band 4
4,31 €
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