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Supergirl - Vol. 7 (2016-2020)
Band 22

Serie: Supergirl - Vol. 7 (2016-2020)
Zusatzinfo: Amanda Conner Variant Cover
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: 1
Autor: Marc Andreyko / Kevin Maguire
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 32
Preis: 5,00 €
In den Warenkorb

Who murdered Krypton? Supergirl and Krypto rocket into space, en route to the Green Lantern world of Mogo, where she hopes to find clues about Rogol Zaar and his connection to the destruction of Krypton. Instead, she finds whispers and cover-ups. What are the GLs hiding? And will they go from Green to Red when they find out she’s in possession of Zaar’s weapon of war? (Hint: yes!)

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Supergirl - Vol. 7 (2016-2020)
Band 11: Escape from the Phantom Zone - Part 3
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Supergirl - Vol. 7 (2016-2020)
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Supergirl - Vol. 7 (2016-2020)
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Supergirl - Vol. 7 (2016-2020)
Band 16: Plain Sight - Part 2
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Supergirl - Vol. 7 (2016-2020)
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Supergirl - Vol. 7 (2016-2020)
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Supergirl - Vol. 7 (2016-2020)
Band 22
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Zeige alles der Serie 'Supergirl - Vol. 7 (2016-2020)'
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