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Justice League - Vol. 4 (2018-2022)
Band 8

Serie: Justice League - Vol. 4 (2018-2022)
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: 1
Autor: Scott Snyder / Mikel Janin
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 32
Preis: 4,00 €
In den Warenkorb

Part two of the “Legion of Doom” storyline focuses on Lex Luthor’s recruiting efforts—and this time around, he’s targeting both Cheetah and Black Manta for membership! Lex knows just what buttons to push to acquire his super-powered muscle, and this issue it’s all about getting revenge on Wonder Woman and Aquaman, respectively. We bet they sign right up as soon as they find out Lex has METAL’s Batman Who Laughs locked up in Doom HQ!

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Justice League - Vol. 4 (2018-2022)
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Justice League - Vol. 4 (2018-2022)
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Justice League - Vol. 4 (2018-2022)
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