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Justice League - Vol. 4 (2018-2022)
Band 3

Serie: Justice League - Vol. 4 (2018-2022)
Zusatzinfo: Jim Lee / Scott Williams Variant Cover
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: 1
Autor: Scott Snyder / Jorge Jimenez
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 32
Preis: 4,00 €
In den Warenkorb

John Stewart: Ultraviolet Lantern? Believe it! Under the influence of the Ultraviolet Spectrum, John Stewart engages in some ultraviolence against his teammates Flash, Wonder Woman and Aquaman. Meanwhile, the rest of the League investigates the scene of the fallen Source Wall fragment, and encounters not only a horde of giant monsters, but a pair of longtime archenemies using stolen Atom technology to literally get under their skin. Best to stock up on Cortizone for that sort of itch! All this and…the Turtle? Yep.

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Justice League - Vol. 4 (2018-2022)
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Justice League - Vol. 4 (2018-2022)
Band 2: The Totality - Part 2
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Justice League - Vol. 4 (2018-2022)
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Justice League - Vol. 4 (2018-2022)
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Justice League - Vol. 4 (2018-2022)
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Justice League - Vol. 4 (2018-2022)
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Justice League - Vol. 4 (2018-2022)
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Justice League - Vol. 4 (2018-2022)
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Justice League - Vol. 4 (2018-2022)
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4,00 €
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Zustand 2
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Zustand 3
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