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Silencer, The (2018-2019)
Band 2: Code of Honor - Part 2

Serie: Silencer, The (2018-2019)
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: 1
Autor: Dan Abnett / John Romita Jr. / Sandra Hope
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 32
Preis: 3,00 €
In den Warenkorb

"Code of Honor", part two The world's deadliest assassin thought she was out... but the past won't let her leave! Talia al Ghul's violent disappearance has led to a mystery that could cost Honor Guest the lives of her family, and to defend those she loves, Honor must once again don the mantle of the Silencer! Seeking information from the neutral ground of the assassin's armory, Silencer gets more than she bargained for as the most monstrous forces of the underworld descend for the kill!

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Weitere Comics der Serie:

Silencer, The (2018-2019)
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Silencer, The (2018-2019)
Band 3: Code of Honor - Part 3
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Silencer, The (2018-2019)
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Silencer, The (2018-2019)
Band 5: Payback Time - Part 2
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Silencer, The (2018-2019)
Band 6: Payback Time - Part 3
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Silencer, The (2018-2019)
Band 7: Fly Hard with a Vengeance
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Silencer, The (2018-2019)
Band 8
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Silencer, The (2018-2019)
Band 9
3,00 €
Silencer, The (2018-2019)
Band 10
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Silencer, The (2018-2019)
Band 11
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Zeige alles der Serie 'Silencer, The (2018-2019)'
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