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Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 30: Underworld - Finale

Serie: Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: 1
Autor: Dan Abnett / Stjepan Sejic
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 32
Preis: 4,00 €
In den Warenkorb

After Dolphin confronts Aquaman with the horrifying truth of King Rath’s new regime, all hope for Atlantis is nearly lost until an emotional reunion with Vulko gives Arthur a renewed sense of purpose. Meanwhile, Mera attempts a dangerous new plan to penetrate the Crown of Thorns and reunite with the love of her life…at the cost of her own soul!

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Weitere Comics der Serie:

Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 4: The Drowning - Part 4
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Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 17: Warhead - Part 2
4,00 €
Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 30: Underworld - Finale
4,00 €
Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 1: The Drowning - Chapter One
4,00 €
Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 2: The Drowning - Chapter Two
4,00 €
Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 3: The Drowning - Chapter Three
4,00 €
Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 5: The Drowning - Part 5
4,00 €
Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 4: The Drowning - Part 4
4,00 €
Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 23: Crown of Atlantis - Part 1
4,00 €
Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 6: The Drowning - Conclusion
4,00 €
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Portofreier Versand ab 40,- Euro
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