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Star Wars: Rogue One - Adaption (Paperback)

Serie: Star Wars: Rogue One - Adaption (Paperback)
Zusatzinfo: Komplettstory / enthält Originalausgaben - US Hefte Star Wars: Rogue One - Adaption Nr. 1-6 / Star Wars: Rogue One - Cassian & K-2SO Annual Nr. 1
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Jody Hauser / Duane Swierczynski / Emilio Laiso / Oscar Bazaldua / Paolo Villanelli u.a.
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 176
Preis: 21,61 €
In den Warenkorb

The Rebellion is here! The Rogue One crew makes the leap from the big screen to the comic-book page in this action-packed adaptation! All looks lost for the galaxy when the Empire’s new super-weapon is discovered. Any insurgency will quickly be thwarted by the devastating new Death Star! But maybe there’s hope for the Rebel cause when Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor lead a crew of new heroes on a desperate mission to steal the plans to the planet-destroying threat! A crucial tale in the Star Wars saga is told at last! Plus: In an all-new story, flash back to the ill-tempered first meeting between Cassian and scene-stealing droid K-2SO! Collecting STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE ADAPTATION #1-6 and STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE — CASSIAN & K-2SO ANNUAL #1.

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