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All-Star Batman (2016-2017)
Band 14: The First Ally - Finale

Serie: All-Star Batman (2016-2017)
Zusatzinfo: Final Issue
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: 1
Autor: Scott Snyder / Rafael Albuquerque / Sebastian Fiumara
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 40
Preis: 4,99 €
In den Warenkorb

“The First Ally” finale! In the final issue of Scott Snyder’s high-octane run on ALL STAR BATMAN, he and superstar artist Rafael Albuquerque put Batman to the ultimate test! Faced with either losing his future as Batman or the person he loves most, the Dark Knight must decide which ultimate price he is willing to pay.
“The First Ally” finale! In the final issue of Scott Snyder’s high-octane run on ALL STAR BATMAN, he and superstar artist Rafael Albuquerque put Batman to the ultimate test! Faced with either losing his future as Batman or the person he loves most, the Dark Knight must decide which ultimate price he is willing to pay. - See more at: https://www.newsarama.com/34984-dc-comics-september-2017-solicitations.html#sthash.SMWocdLX.dpuf

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Nightwing - Vol. 4 (ab 2016)
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Weitere Comics der Serie:

All-Star Batman (2016-2017)
Band 2: My Own Worst Enemy - Part 2
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All-Star Batman (2016-2017)
Band 1: My Own Worst Enemy - Part 1
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All-Star Batman (2016-2017)
Band 1: My Own Worst Enemy - Part 1
10,00 €
All-Star Batman (2016-2017)
Band 2: My Own Worst Enemy - Part 2
5,00 €
All-Star Batman (2016-2017)
Band 5: My Own Worst Enemy - Conclusion
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All-Star Batman (2016-2017)
Band 5: My Own Worst Enemy - Conclusion
4,99 €
All-Star Batman (2016-2017)
Band 3: My Own Worst Enemy - Part 3
7,00 €
All-Star Batman (2016-2017)
Band 6: Cold to the Core
4,99 €
All-Star Batman (2016-2017)
Band 4: My Own Worst Enemy - Part 4
4,99 €
All-Star Batman (2016-2017)
Band 7: Poison Promises
4,99 €
Zeige alles der Serie 'All-Star Batman (2016-2017)'
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