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Mother Panic (2016-2017)
Band 3

Serie: Mother Panic (2016-2017)
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: 1
Autor: Jody Hauser / Tommy Lee Edwards
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 32
Preis: 4,00 €
In den Warenkorb

Mother Panic is hot on the trail of the murderous artist Gala! Only one person stands in her way...Batwoman?! Is there a place for Violet among the heroes of Gotham City, or will her quest for vengeance take her down a darker path? This issue also features an original “Gotham Radio” back-up feature by Jim Krueger (JUSTICE) and Phil Hester (Green Arrow)!

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Weitere Comics der Serie:

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Mother Panic (2016-2017)
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4,00 €
Mother Panic (2016-2017)
Band 6
4,00 €
Mother Panic (2016-2017)
Band 7
4,00 €
Mother Panic (2016-2017)
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4,00 €
Mother Panic (2016-2017)
Band 5
4,00 €
Mother Panic (2016-2017)
Band 9
4,00 €
Mother Panic (2016-2017)
Band 6
4,00 €
Zeige alles der Serie 'Mother Panic (2016-2017)'
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Zustand 3
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