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Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 1: The Drowning - Chapter One

Serie: Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: 1
Autor: Dan Abnett / Brad Walker / Drew Hennesey
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 32
Preis: 4,00 €
In den Warenkorb

Black Manta returns, and as Aquaman attempts to broker lasting peace between Atlantis and the surface world, his greatest foe engineers a plan to destroy everything and everyone the undersea hero loves.
THEY SAID IT: “I’m excited to draw a vast undersea world with all the visual flourishes of fantasy and science fiction that it affords,” says artist Brad Walker. “I’ve done so much work in outer space-based comics, and I love the freedom that affords.”

Kunden, die dieses Comic gekauft haben, kauften auch:

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Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 2: The Drowning - Chapter Two
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Superman: Rebirth (2016)
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Green Arrow: Rebirth (2016)
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Weitere Comics der Serie:

Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 4: The Drowning - Part 4
4,00 €
Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 17: Warhead - Part 2
4,00 €
Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 30: Underworld - Finale
4,00 €
Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 2: The Drowning - Chapter Two
4,00 €
Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 3: The Drowning - Chapter Three
4,00 €
Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 5: The Drowning - Part 5
4,00 €
Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 4: The Drowning - Part 4
4,00 €
Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 23: Crown of Atlantis - Part 1
4,00 €
Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 6: The Drowning - Conclusion
4,00 €
Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)
Band 7: Who framed Aquaman?
4,00 €
Zeige alles der Serie 'Aquaman - Vol. 8 (2016-2020)'
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