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Guardians of the Galaxy - Vol. 4 (2015-2017)
Band 1

Serie: Guardians of the Galaxy - Vol. 4 (2015-2017)
Zusatzinfo: 1:25 Jason Latour Retailer Incentive Cover
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: 1
Autor: Brian Michael Bendis / Valerio Schiti
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 32
Preis: 12,00 €
In den Warenkorb

1st appearance of Kitty Pryde as Star-Lord THE RACCOON'S IN CHARGE! Peter Quill has abandoned the Guardians and his role as Star-Lord to be Emperor of the Spartax. Rocket didn't wait a single minute to take the reins and become team leader of Drax, Venom, Groot, Kitty Pryde (A.K.A. Star-Lady ?!?!) and new Guardian BEN GRIMM, the everloving THING!

Weitere Comics der Serie:

Guardians of the Galaxy - Vol. 4 (2015-2017)
Band 3
4,00 €
Guardians of the Galaxy - Vol. 4 (2015-2017)
Band 1
6,00 €
Guardians of the Galaxy - Vol. 4 (2015-2017)
Band 1
12,00 €
Guardians of the Galaxy - Vol. 4 (2015-2017)
Band 1
6,00 €
Guardians of the Galaxy - Vol. 4 (2015-2017)
Band 4
4,00 €
Guardians of the Galaxy - Vol. 4 (2015-2017)
Band 5
3,50 €
Guardians of the Galaxy - Vol. 4 (2015-2017)
Band 2
10,00 €
Guardians of the Galaxy - Vol. 4 (2015-2017)
Band 7
6,00 €
Guardians of the Galaxy - Vol. 4 (2015-2017)
Band 3
6,00 €
Guardians of the Galaxy - Vol. 4 (2015-2017)
Band 3
10,00 €
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