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Stray Bullets: Sunshine and Roses (2015-2020)
Band 2

Serie: Stray Bullets: Sunshine and Roses (2015-2020)
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: 1
Autor: David Lapham
Verlag: Image Comics
Seiten: 32
Preis: 3,50 €
In den Warenkorb

You'll never find a happier person than Rose. A single mom living among the worst killers, thieves, and drug addicts in the city, she's never had a down thought cross her mind. Not until her least favorite person hooked up with a boy she was more than sweet on. The day Rose saw Beth and Orson together something broke inside her, and now this air-headed, happy-go-lucky, highly promiscuous, fake-blonde is out for blood-and she doesn't care whose or how much is spilt. Can this buxom bombshell's heart be 'fixed' before she blows up Baltimore and ruins Orson and Beth's own revenge plans, or will the next bouquet of flowers she gets be the ones on her grave?

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Stray Bullets: Sunshine and Roses (2015-2020)
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Stray Bullets: Sunshine and Roses (2015-2020)
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