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Armor Hunters: Bloodshot (2014)
Band 3: (von 3)

Serie: Armor Hunters: Bloodshot (2014)
Zusatzinfo: regular Cover
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: 1
Autor: Joe Harris / Trevor Hairsine
Verlag: Valiant
Seiten: 32
Preis: 3,99 €
In den Warenkorb

ALIENS VS…BLOODSHOT! M.E.R.O. headquarters has been evacuated, and Bloodshot is the only thing left standing between the alien prisoner called Malgam and the outside world. Battle-worn and brutalized, can Bloodshot survive one final confrontation with an extraterrestrial foe augmented by the unholy power of the X-O Manowar armor? If you thought the first two chapters were hardcore, stay out the splash zone because the Armor Hunters just picked the wrong soldier to fuss with!

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Armor Hunters: Bloodshot (2014)
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